right. so basically today was a really tiring day. had to wake up at 6am to get ready to go for the chinese service back at FMC- so basically, I didn't really catch much sleep. going back to FMC made me miss all the old fond memories that existed during my childhood: - playing wrestling, catching and pepsi cola with the guys even in a dress. but I always won anyways :D
- following granny to church for her dance practice, while she's at that, I walk around church, often finding elroi and gloria and so, we play...with all the musical instruments.
- during the chinese service, i would always start counting down til the end of service.
I miss the old sanctuary, the old building whereby it was only a small church then. the comfortable cushions, the beauty of simplicity of the design- elegance, the quiet serenity existing before the service starts, unlike churches nowadays where people network and make a whole lot of noise. sad to say, I guess, I can be considered to be one of them. LOL
moving on, YM was pretty ok I guess. small group was held at 'dome' where we chilled out and discussed about outside bible study. poor Gary, had to endure our constant digression. oops. hehehe. as usual, the guys were bullying shu wen. hahaha.
after which, headed over to hotel rendevous for indonesian cuisine. not much of a fan...but it'll do. LOL. so here are the pictures. OMG, I'm like so full from eating non-stop all day.
P.S I HATE BEING BROKE. I have sooo many things I want to buy, but I can't without turning myself into a state beyond poverty.

the people who know food second-best
my 'I love shopping' grandma :D
look at all the weird weird curry:S
me & mum

me n kenny

okies, i'm signing off! LOTSA LOVE :D