Tuesday, October 23, 2007
my heart is breaking...or rather, it broke and is still breaking. I know its ironic..but my heart just feels like it's in a thousand pieces...how I wish I could say I was suffering from a break up...think it'll hurt a hell lot less...just when I found the courage...great expectations made me lose it. why? it just seems so...unfair... :( this sucks. this freakin sucks [it sucks sooo badly...I'm so tempted to use words that I hate using]. I can't even face my own problems..how am I suppose to spill the beans on it.although my heart feels like it's been torn apart...there are still great friends who I wanna thank:- cyn
- xiao qiang
- gleen
- ale
- jingling
- prabs
- hans
- clique
- karms
- claire
- zq

Charmaine at 10:39 PM

October 23, 2007 at 11:20 PM,
Karms said........
Hey char dont be sad! you know that im always here for u. Or.. Your friends are always here for you. I know no matter how much it sucks now it's pretty much just a stepping stone. there are NO problems that both of us can't overcome right? We've been through SO MUCH! even though im not here with you right now ( same school and all ) but our friendship is FOREVER intact. And thus im forever here for you = ) When you feel that all the light has gone.. My star is forever shining for u