Wednesday, November 26, 2008
today. something terrible happened. the dress I was looking forward to, and went to town specially for was GONE.

the bitch saleswoman had the nerve to act dumb and apologise profusely saying she didn't think I wanted the dress. like hello, maybe I said in chinese that I would come back for it, after her idiotic and repetitive assurance I would be back. she was like (in chinese), 'sorry hor, someone in the morning wanted the dress, so I sold it. I thought you don't want'. I was FURIOUS. think she was a little scared of me, after my face turned 180 degrees. much to my surprise, I didn't raise my voice, I just went 'nevermind' and walked off. Of course, I had to channel that anger into more constructive purposes.

that energy was channelled to curses like pins on a voodoo doll.
  • I hope her scalps start decaying from all that hair dye
  • I hope her face breaks out from all that make up
  • I hope she goes blind from all that glittery eye make up
  • I hope she shrinks faster
  • I hope she never has business
  • I hope if she has a lover, he finally realises how blind he was

hah. take that miss idiotic who hides behind a mask of artificial beauty

of course, there was much more. but that was all I could remember of that long list. I don't recall being so furious over a dress..first ever I think. I was like storming around in town. if I had super natural powers, I can imagine a thunderstorm as my angel-wings. even the wind was blowing my dress in that direction. I must say I am pretty proud of that scary image. hahaha

I felt way better after my job interview, and felt...niceR. the nice guy was like 'don't worry, I'll find you a job'. lol. then he was pretty friendly. so guess, my mood was thanks to him.

going out everyday is getting me sick of it that I wouldn't mind being a homebody. just that, there aren't enough tv shows to entertain myself with.

the day has been tiring. toodles.

Charmaine at 11:23 PM | 1 comments
Saturday, November 22, 2008
2 posts in a day= I have completely wasted a day :)

anyways, my aims for my new found freedom:
  • pick up a new skill?
  • rearrange room (when I have nothing else better to do)
  • plan holiday trips with friends!
  • pick up driving
  • pick up dance again
  • DATE(s) with all my loves!

simple enough right.

what I have to do

  • learn to do a proper resume (why can't people just have walk-ins)
  • make Microsoft Excel my new bff
  • THEN send those cursed resumes...

Charmaine at 11:25 PM | 1 comments
did I mention I was broke? now, I'm BORED.

  • life after exams is plain M-U-N-D-A-N-E. since I already read the Shopaholic series, I bought the rest of Sophie Kinsella's books in the course of this week. and I finished the one I bought yesterday. perfect.
  • I read the new local magazines the moment they were released. and now I'm left with NOTHING.
  • I watched 6 seasons of Bewitched on Youtube, and now I sick of watching online videos.
  • I played computer games, til I'm sick of virtual characters living in a world of bags, clothes and shoes, and I not being part of it. not literally anways.
  • I wanna go out, but I'm broke- so that makes me sick of going out too.

conclusion: I'm sick of having NOTHING to do. lol.


Charmaine at 2:53 PM | 0 comments
Friday, November 21, 2008
okay. good riddance to A levels. it honestly doesn't feel any different from the week that I spent sleeping for 12 hours everyday [darn, what does that say]. went down to town after school to buy a book. was done with like 2 books this week and felt empty not having anything to read. yes, I busted 80 bucks on christmas shopping today. how ironic- earlier this month I told jai 'wth are they putting up christmas deco so early for. it's not even dec'. LOL.

anyways, keline and leonard made me do this personality quiz (which I bet isn't even all THAT accurate). I mean, picking words that sometimes don't apply to you. LOL. well, keline was choleric melancholy (I call it cholera) while leonard was sanguine phgmdnksuhdk (whatever, just know it sounds like phlegm). and yours truly is... sanguine choleric.
WHAT AN ODD NAME FOR A PERSONALITY. well leonard + keline = char= walking contradiction.

e.g. choleric: organised, and manages household.
sanguine: disorganised and forgets appointments.
sanguine choleric: plans for things, makes appointments, feel accomplished...have STM. NICE. that's me alrights (btw, I made sense of this part)

NEXT on the agenda: some bitching.
  • gosh, I think I haven't bitched in a LONG LONG time. so, I was shopping in taka right, and like piling things up and carrying them. NONE of the staff offered me a basket, and watched me idiotically carry that junk. talk about customer service. SHEESH.
  • Hans was a COMPLETE LOSER today. hahaha. he was like talking to me about...something (I can't rmb), then I stopped at lucky plaza to take the underpass, and he continued walking straight and babbling. talking to air. HAHAHA. and he realised only when he was going to cross the road! HAHA. talk about blonde moments. guess you don't have to be blond to be legally blonde :)
  • I got home, and my brother was showering...then he was like talking on the phone. so I said 'don't have to let the world know about your lovey dovey conversation'. then moments later, my brother was hanging around in my room...then he said 'did you know char is in my room?' so I was like 'she is? what, she's playing hide and seek?'. and he was like 'nope. she was behind the laptop'. OOPS. guess i OVERLOOKED that part ;)

well, I was pretty sure that I had a whole lot more things to say. I always do. well, guess I'm experiencing early amnesia or dementia. whichever way you like it!


Charmaine at 3:43 PM | 0 comments
Sunday, November 16, 2008
hello [to whoever who actually pops by]. anyways, A's is unofficially over! :) left one dreaded paper. pfft. anyways, here's a summary of what happened over the course of pathetic exams.

  • today (17 nov monday): out with Karms, then dinner with zai and kenneth
  • 16 nov (sunday): lunch with small group, town with SW
  • 15 nov (sat): sentosa with relatives
  • 14 nov (fri): with relatives from china and malaysia
  • 13 nov (thurs):tropic thunder- think I was pretty tired after exams, so I didn't appreciate the movie as much as the other 2 people did. wound up rushing for the last train

this is strawberry tissue. [karms bought it for me, cos her gaming name is ~] retarded. :)

town with SW

sentosa with relatives
this is my 12-yr-old AUNTY

oh, in fort siloso, I found this tunnel, it was a little frightening at first. but curiousity led me in :)

my vain brother at JUMBO seafood.

we form a mini tour of our own.

this was a...metal thingie they kept goodness knows what :S
the PUREETTY sunset with an awkward dominic

thats sums up my recent week.
oh yes, points to note:
  • I spent $4 paying for 2 forgotten entry proofs...
  • on that one day, I overshot my stop both before and after school
  • Cambridge has punked us
  • HENCE, I'm convinced I'm a PRIVATE.

last but not least,

I will keep my mouth shut [cos nothing's good gonna come outta it]. I will keep my mouth shut. I will keep my mouth shut. And let the picture do the talking

loves :)

Charmaine at 6:13 PM | 0 comments