moving was not too bad. endless bitching, movie session and a journey around this tiny dot we call singapore.
went down to the CBD area with all the cool cool people walking and talking on their phones. wearing my 'beach wear': a casual top and was no wonder people gave me looks. anyways, I just went down to collect a dress. had lunch at vivo's banquet with prabs and hariz, followed by IP MAN. it was uber cool! as good as my nicole kidman's woadrobe in 'Australia' obsession (sorry if my english makes no sense, this is what holidays have done to me). oh in the cinema, this bitch of a man had to talk on the phone so loudy...I was like so annoyed. I mean who cares if you wanna go to the ktv lounge. at least be cooler and say kbox. *rolls eyes*. prabs was like 'don't pick a fight', pfft, and I sat there in plain frustration- mentally replaying how I would have loved to give him a piece of my mind if I could. idiot.
time for a HAIRCUT! I was like looking forward to it all day :) prabs and hariz were nice to follow me all the way to clarke quay and wait patiently for my hour long hair cut. then we took a bus down to commonwealth before I left for my mum's office. we just bitched the whole day. HAHA. funny, the people we can't stand are always the people we give our attention to most.
okay, yesterday I went to the zoo with karms and then desmond's farewell party (before he enlists).
zoo: it's not that we're self centred...we just lacked extra photographers. hence, the frequent one-subject in each picture.

did I mention? karmy and I have totally opposite tastes in animals. starting with her saying 'omg so cute!' to the ostrich ...

and polar bears....sigh, we're like puny compared to this bear

and this extremely retarded looking bird, I was like "eeyer"

and CHAR here likes giraffes! :)

[not the lions...but look, even animals laze around during holidays!]

omg, they had this new kiddyland, and I was like soooo happy! this grass uh..whatever thing, was just irresistably cute. and karmy was like Zzzz
gosh, I'm not even up to it's knees, talk about leggy.
elephants are my favourite animals! :)

THERE, KIDZWORLD, with a horse. my no. 2 favourite!
reflections: gawd, it was so damn hard to climb the stupid eagle, and I wound up bumping my leg while getting off.

miniature horses, I wonder what's their purpose on earth

(inside joke)

there was this house at the kiddy world, to model after the olden times and it's spookishly realistic.

my no. 1 favourite animal! I couldn't resist wanting to feed them! but omg, I've never bought such expensive fruits
reflections: how funky is this, people feed birds, feed fish, feed ducks. I FEED ELEPHANTS. WHOOO :D
this male tiger was super restless, while his wives were sleeping. he looked pretty hungry to me.

elephants are my favourite animals! :)

THERE, KIDZWORLD, with a horse. my no. 2 favourite!
K: HOW OLD ARE YOU. it's so embarrassing
[ticketing counter]
C: 2 tickets please!! *excited*
(lady smiles widely)
K: okok, relax
C:thank you, okay quick! oh they started without us!
L: don't worry they will be done in about 3 mins, enjoy!
C: karms! let's take a picture!
K: here, it's so embarrassing
C: hi! *smiles to uncle operator* can you take a picture for us?
UO: sure, smile! *smiles widely at our age*
C:Karmy! which one are you gonna choose!
K: the bunny. -.-. it's so cute
C: HUH, so unexciting one. I want the high high one...I shall take the eagle!

miniature horses, I wonder what's their purpose on earth

(inside joke)

there was this house at the kiddy world, to model after the olden times and it's spookishly realistic.

my no. 1 favourite animal! I couldn't resist wanting to feed them! but omg, I've never bought such expensive fruits

this male tiger was super restless, while his wives were sleeping. he looked pretty hungry to me.

FINALLY, we were so tired after walking the entire zoo, we got an ice milo and cam whored. HAHA