the bitch saleswoman had the nerve to act dumb and apologise profusely saying she didn't think I wanted the dress. like hello, maybe I said in chinese that I would come back for it, after her idiotic and repetitive assurance I would be back. she was like (in chinese), 'sorry hor, someone in the morning wanted the dress, so I sold it. I thought you don't want'. I was FURIOUS. think she was a little scared of me, after my face turned 180 degrees. much to my surprise, I didn't raise my voice, I just went 'nevermind' and walked off. Of course, I had to channel that anger into more constructive purposes.
that energy was channelled to curses like pins on a voodoo doll.
- I hope her scalps start decaying from all that hair dye
- I hope her face breaks out from all that make up
- I hope she goes blind from all that glittery eye make up
- I hope she shrinks faster
- I hope she never has business
- I hope if she has a lover, he finally realises how blind he was
hah. take that miss idiotic who hides behind a mask of artificial beauty
of course, there was much more. but that was all I could remember of that long list. I don't recall being so furious over a dress..first ever I think. I was like storming around in town. if I had super natural powers, I can imagine a thunderstorm as my angel-wings. even the wind was blowing my dress in that direction. I must say I am pretty proud of that scary image. hahaha
I felt way better after my job interview, and felt...niceR. the nice guy was like 'don't worry, I'll find you a job'. lol. then he was pretty friendly. so guess, my mood was thanks to him.
going out everyday is getting me sick of it that I wouldn't mind being a homebody. just that, there aren't enough tv shows to entertain myself with.
the day has been tiring. toodles.