Wednesday, January 14, 2009
NOTE: I am too lazy to upload any photos of any outings (which has been alot) as that would mean I have to resize them first. HENCE, since patience is a virtue, WAIT.

anyways, I've been reading blogs from the people I like, to the people I don't like to people I don't even know. so since I'm so full from dinner, I need to channel that energy somewhere= bitching.

I shall attempt to address some FAQs that you may have always wanted to ask but never became a somebody to ask that person. [disclaimer: this is not targetted towards anybody. ANYBODY]

Q1: Why do people like to lock their blogs? I mean, why write them online if you're gonna lock it right?
A: Privacy, respect it. and if you can't get vip passes into the juice, move on.

Q2: Why do people like to post pictures of their bfs/gfs like in every post?
A: let them live their life la. it's short. but okay, it's damn annoying too. HENCE, that's what it's LOCKED for; it's their way of responding to your way of saying 'go get a room'

Q3: Why do people like to bitch about others on their blog?
A: EH, you're looking at one okay. but anyways, it's because...(maybe) they know the person won't read it, and it wouldn't be very courteous to say it in their face :) the world's a bitch, time to learn biatches.

Q4: But why do they have to post about the life we are so not interested in?
A: then why read it.

Q5: Isn't it hypocritical to bitch about them on your blog and then be nice to the person?
A: DUH. then don't be nice la.

Q6: Why do people sometimes try to be deep/abstract/philosophical until no one understands what they're talking about?
A: (to be nice) it's a form of self-expression. (bitchy) ACT ONLY

Q7: what's the difference between interesting blogs and boring ones?
A: boring ones are those who only blog about their mundane lives like it's a recipe [step 1...step 2...etc]. interesting blogs are blogs in which you find yourself engaged in topics you're not even interested in (eg. palin)

Q8: what do you think of PBA (public blogging of affection)?
A: I call it BAD (blogging of affection disorder/dislike/distaste)

Q9: why be bitchy?
A: honey, when you can't fight them, join them. told ya life's a bitch

Q10: how should I be a disciplined and regular blogger who doesn't leave a blog dead?
A: find your inner bitch.

Charmaine at 10:08 PM |


At January 14, 2009 at 11:26 PM, Blogger jaish said........
hilarious! yet bitchy. haha. no. 10 - maybe I should follow you then my blog wouldn't e so dead. haha.