wow. the after exam period has been great- empty but awesome. It's definitely strange that there's not much of intensive work to be done aside from the cursed PW and chinese to prepare for. went out thrice, with the shopaholics [wen couldn't make it due to promos] and the 3 muskeeteers. fantastic moments.
OMG. I got to tell you the worse type of people that can exist [alright, I'm exaggerating but...] seriously, let me give you the scenario then you'll probably know why how such annoying people can even exist.
okay, so everyone knows that the staircase in citylink mall is wheelchair-friendly right? so there were 2 guards who were helping this wheelchair bound old granny on that thing. can you believe there were people using their phones and cameras to film and take pictures of it! one guy even smiled while taking his nikon camera to snap a pic. the poor old lady! the people on the escalator in front of me and cla weren't any better. they were acting like typical singaporeans- staring as if they have never seen anything like it. gosh, sam was right, I should have taken their pictures. then post them here and let the whole wide world see them.
Brina was being real funny. cos I was complaining to her about being bored...and she said this:
critique martini night isn't the same without your laughter says:
now that we start sch you come and say u got nothing to do
[I miss clique.]
I promised wen i'll put this up:
shu wen says:
'today i found out im in love with shuwen! omg she is the best !! ahhh! "
13 Oct- party with sam & claire:
'I seemed to have bought this only to shorten my life span and reduce my little braincells'
'look at sam's hair!' freakin' funny
[sam looks like a drug addict, I am simply UNGLAM, claire is sadly NON-EXISTENT! =)]
the 2 losers sitting in the middle of the road...
7 Oct- after church with sam, cla, wen:
there's always a soft side to everyone :)
4 Oct- shopping with sher & jai:

wow. talk about girl power. LOL. how boring, no nice movies anymore... :( anyways, it's pretty cool that all you don't need are guys and what you need are TRUE FRIENDS [gays from clique and COG included].