thought I have learnt to be independent throughout these years, I guess it never hurts to have encouragment from friends :) furthermore, knowing that they're worried gives me all the more reason to pick myself up. after all, I seem to love to prove people wrong right, I just need to find that courage somewhere deep within me and do that.
results are out on 9 Nov. why couldnt they just put it on its original date...I just want to get it over and done with. I hope, to either promote or get kicked out. I hate in-betweens. but I hope that ale,cyn,gleen,prabs, hafiz, xiao qiang, RP [hans, gleen and leonard are promoting. so I'm not bothering] they all promote!! I just want all of us to be together. so meanwhile, I'm just treasuring the time that we have left together. I swear, I hate being emo...disgusting feeling.
let me give you legitimate reasons to why exams should be abolished:
- they cost money- waste tax payer's money
- cause unnecessary stress to teenager's minds [which should only be filled with fun and joy]
- waste plentiful of paper. a contradiction to 'save our earth' campaign
- they develop competitiveness and bitter feelings among friends
- promote cheating [so as to pass]
- poor results results in dark emotions
- feeling bad and tears requires retail therapy to make a person feel better
- once again, money is required
- the one time explicits are welcomed and heard as if its the most accurate word to describe a current emotion
- stimulates hidden viruses in the body that could result to poor health
nontheless, aside from my usual friends, I wanna thank clique for being so worried.
- Brina- her shopping blogs on bags in hope to cheer me up
- Zai- for having faith
- Kenneth-for simply just asking
- Kanna-tolerating my picky choice of songs
I'm feeling better. thanks everyone.
fond memories...