Tuesday, September 30, 2008
didn't go to school today. it was quite...interesting though. yesterday, after skipping math [I've yet to think of how I'm dealing with that], I was scheming to uh, be sick on the next day. call it wishful thinking, I didn't feel so good this morning. cool huh.anyways, I'm not gonna be like those annoying people who has to list all their grades and whine all day long how terrible it is, blah blah blah. I did the exams with no expectations, and though I failed certain subjects [and am probably gonna be seeing teachers AGAIN], I am definitely elated by that insignificant improvement in history. though math and gp is like...stagnant. seeing all the people around me improve by leaps and bounds, I'm definitely happy for them :) of cos, I should be feeling all sour and bitter about how my grades pale in comparison to theirs, but the sense of urgency is not there. which is not good...but oh wells. whatever.anyways, I WAS SUPPOSED to start on math revision this week..but was rushing to finish the twilight series so I wouldn't get distracted no longer. though that took 2 days off my schedule. fabs. here's what I think of those 2 books.EclipseI can't remember much. probably because the events weren't THAT worth remembering. another one of those 'read 500 pages only to reach 20 pages of action' kind. but the arrival of the vicious she-vamp and her little pathetic army was worth reading. though it was a pretty short end. finished it in a day.Breaking DawnThis book was really really long. as if a month of pregnancy had to be so detailed that it felt like reading 9 months worth. but much more action in this book. it almost made me envious...and wondered what life would be like if vampires really did exist. magical... which I gleefully sacrificed a day of studying to finish reading. it was a breeze reading this in a day. though I'm kinda having a headache now...that's what you get when you read TOO MUCH.

Charmaine at 11:08 PM

Saturday, September 27, 2008
BACK TO SCHOOL. honestly, each day in school is a COMPLETE WASTE OF TIME. I feel myself just being an empty shell and await dusk. just 3 days of school, had me napping for 3 hours aside from my usual bed hours. though, I have been sleeping at 12+ these last 3 days. nope, not studying...I was READING...TWILIGHTthe book that has gotten every girl absorbed in the wonderful world of clandestine mythical creatures: the romance between a mortal and a vampire. the dreadful life of a newcomer in high school and the secrets of the dark knights.my opinion: seriously, I didn't read like 400 pages worth of romance just for like 50 pages of action. I honestly think the romance can be shortened. like alright, an average day in school is like this this this, I am so in love with Edward like this this this. that in 400 pages. my heart pounding when it came to the action, where the adventure truly begins: the hunt, the kill. WHY IN THE WORLD WOULD I WANT TO READ ROMANCE JUST TO GET AN UNEVEN DISTRIBUTION OF ACTION? gosh. I think I have completely lost my romantic bone. finished it in 2 days. went over to kino after school on thurs to get the sequel.NEW MOONthe emptiness and imperfection in one's life without the other. as if she had turned into the living dead (somehow as good as a vampire..if you know what I mean). the joy of having someone else to depend on as a pillar of support, a friendship that is selfish yet desperately needed. and the choice between love and friendship can only result in a love-hate relationship.my opinion: AGAIN. I read like 500 pages worth of the protagonist's emptiness and nightmare, her reckless decisions, her mundane school life. her supposed love/friend relationship with Jacob Black- who later joined the pack of werewolves. the action was barely there, having to go to Italy with a she-vampire to save her lover from the blue bloods. then, she feels complete again with him back to her side and finally setting a date to turn into a vampire. meanwhile, she loses her friendship with the guy who always gave her support and is in a phase of deciding what college to go to -end- GOSH, I spent one day, reading the WHOLE book, only to be disappointed. it was slow-moving, truly slow...I wasn't exactly enthusiastic about how empty she felt or how complete she felt. I suppose I was glad that she found a good friend. and when it was time for action, it was barely exciting. how do people stand reading 500 over pages of romance...gonna go down to kino later to get the third book. ECLIPSE. I'm hoping it would have more action. like really, vampire stories aren't exactly made for love. it's better not to try too hard. then again, I would be upstaging a protest from the diehard romantics out there who think the love between Edward and Bella with poor Jacob is the reason they continue reading...or what not.

Charmaine at 12:22 PM

Saturday, September 20, 2008
you know how people always say people who shop excessively and it is the only thing running in the minds of brainless bimbos? well, it is not true. today I shall prove to you that...shopping is education itself.
shopping is like chemistry: it's a reaction between the shopper and the shoppingshopping is like physics: you only get work done when you put your money in the right purchase (direction)shopping is like biology: you get to know the insides of the mallshopping is like math: you do the sums to get the best buyshopping is like amaths: the mind of a shopper is like algebra- a neverending complexityshopping is like english: you take a couple of letters to form a universal truth: SALEshopping is like literature: an expression of the deprived soulshopping is like history: out with the old and in with the newshopping is like geography: only the greatest friction (buy) makes great impact between fellow shoppersshopping is like social studies: you study the seasonal sales and beat the crowdhence...shopping is life.(c) char. [but you may quote me :)]

Charmaine at 3:27 PM

Friday, September 19, 2008
okay, I'm annoyed. cos stupid blogger refused to upload the rest of my pictures. and I gave up. anyways, friday morning was CYCLING DAY with jai! haha. for people who think I hate the outdoors, eat your heart out. LOL.
jai made this dumb mistake of having us walk to big splash, saying there was a bike rental shop there. after walking under the scorching sun for 1/2 hour, we had to turn back. and clever me suggested taking a cab down since it wasn't far for car, but it certainly was far if you walked. and FINALLY we reached. this is only 3/4 of the pictures. I'll upload the rest another time.
my perfect jump shot!
wanted to take unglam shots of jai, but this turned out quite funny
lift off
and up up and away!
tide was pretty high this afternoon. after this picture, my slipper almost floated away
J: I'm falling!
J: I'm falling even deeper

Charmaine at 7:46 PM

Monday, September 15, 2008
midnight lust. haha, what could that possibly refer to... :)went into malaysia with uncle peter & family: SHOP SHOP SHOP til char's a happy girl :) :)
oops, did i mention? met brina and kenneth on a sunday and had this uh, cheaterbug bbq/steamboat thingie. not a flattering picture of them, blame it on a camera phone of mine- yet, I still love it to bits.

exams are a whore.
P.S sorry zai, I have succumbed to the fabulousity of picture cheats.

Charmaine at 9:55 PM

Sunday, September 14, 2008
PICK UP LINES that you should never use.
01. Can I buy you a drink - or would you just prefer the five bucks?5 bucks- i can use it to buy earrings02. You must be the reason for global warming because you're hot.and yes, you're not. i get it.03. Do you have a map? Because I keep getting lost in your eyes.coming from a person who has no sense of direction, you're utterly pathetic.04. I think I need to call heaven because they've lost one of their angels.i think i need to call woodbridge because they've lost one of their angels.05. Is your name Gillette? Because you're the best a man can get!eww.06. Baby you must be tired because you've been running through my mind all night!baby you must be tired from failing to chase me all night.07. How much does a polar bear weigh? Enough to break the ice - can I get your number?are you saying i am fat? which number on the scale08. I have Skittles in my mouth, wanna taste the rainbow?gross.09. Can I even get a fake number?fake numbers are DIY10. Damn, I'm glad I'm not blind!who wouldn't?11. If I followed you home, would you keep me?who keeps stalkers?12. Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk past you again?i'd prefer to think love is blind13. Excuse me can I borrow a quarter, it is an emergency. My mom told me to give her a call the first time I fell in love.hello, this is singapore. no one uses quarters.14. I lost my number, can I have yours?aren't you a confused kid...15. Do you like bananas or blueberries? Why? I wanna know what kind of pancackes to make in the morning.you're too myopic.16. If I could rearrange the alphabet, I would put U and I together.well, you can't. NEXT.17. My friends call me Regina but you can call me tonight.girls, don't be shameless.18. Can you feel that? The place is shaking! Is it an earthquake? Oh no, it's just my heart beating for you.wow. mind-blowing.19. No matter how much I practise, I can't draw a picture of you pretty enough.if you can't draw then say la!20. If I promise not to kill you can I have a hug?like huh?21. I'm feeling dizzy. Stop running around in my head.i'm feeling dizzy. stop running before me.

Charmaine at 4:43 PM

Friday, September 12, 2008
when you look into the mirror and see a similar face staring back at you, are you sure you know what you see? could it be all this while what I saw in your mirror was nothing but a picture that bears no true value to its art? or is it just an assumption that everything is okay with that mirror?am currently in a state of confusion with a certain person in mind right now. a whirlpool of mixed emotions, with none that is absolute. could it be that this world is plain selfish? that everything has an excuse and nothing is ever our own responsibility? do we choose to find excuses in other things when simply we just aren't able to face ourselves? or, when we think we are thinking of others' it is in actual fact all about ourselves and nothing more.the world is filled with hatred and false love with baffles me- what then is love in this world? I simply cannot comprehend this.

Charmaine at 12:25 AM

Friday, September 5, 2008
Be smarter please
Read carefully
And don't demand
It's annoying
Naive is even worse
Look around you
Everything's not just about you
Spoilt thing
Should go do some growing up

Charmaine at 10:14 PM

Tuesday, September 2, 2008
this is officially the 101th post! yay me :) lesson of today: I AM ONE PROCRASTINATOR0800: wake up 0800: sleep [continue dream]
0830: last chance to wake up 0830: can't sleep
0835: not awake 0835: dream started, sleep
0900: still not awake 0900: dream too exciting to wake up
0915: 1hr behind schedule 0915:FINALLY
0930: do math 0930: wash up
0945: work, work , work 0945: go online
and never started on work.

Charmaine at 10:31 AM
