anyways, this is what we do for pe. it's really cute and fun. teachers should adopt this method of having pe. class bonding. LOL

met clique on sunday at last, haven't seen them since the 21 March...almost a month! OMG. we didn't do much though, just sit at sakae...then went ps to walk, then zai got mad and we went home while the gays [-zai] + brina went night safari
uh...we had some...height issues. LOL
zai insisted on taking the there's a space to photoshop him in.
highlight of the day: ZOO OUTING!
we went to the zoo yesterday during e-learning. of course we learnt alot! I think. qiang, lingxin,vic, hanisa, keline and leonard went to the zoo...the rest of the people disappeared somewhere (so much for 'class' outing).
gosh, seriously, I was so 'lucky'- I saw 4 animals having a trigger happy time under the sun, if not sexing it up, they were making out. the crocs were the winners: after having sex, the one underneath was giving the top croc a blowjob, talk about transparency... if it wasn't these obscene acts, I saw animals peeing RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME. like was the elephant- as it got up from its lying down position, it had to pee...and it was like squirting everywhere...then only I saw it...then another was one of the deers I think...but seriously...the whole day I only saw obscene things. and it was only me...but lingxin managed to catch the croc action.
as lingxin would put it "weicheang, you are one bright thing". we were fooling around in the gift shop...the cooler pics are with leonard. shall upload them when he uploads them

my palm is in your hands...gosh...if the ah meng were to hold my hand, it wouldn't need effort to crush it. my hand's not even the size of its palm!
I love the giant tortise- the real one didn't look as appealing. after me and lx did this, some little girl climbed on it too. damn cute.
oh yes, all the fishes we saw in the zoo, loves camwhoring. they never left their positions at all! seriously creepy.

back to the aussie outback
the polar bear stands at 3.5 m and we are short?
the meer cats were AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH damn cute. looks as though they were getting ready for prayers. LOL
"For Children of age between 4 and 6"- OOPS. lx and I were so worried we would break the swing. but what to do...must relive childhood memories!! plus, I didn't have to queue for the swing!! cos NO ONE was on it.
yes, and so that marks my wonderful day the zoo. we need more e-learning days. I learnt alot!
with love,