Friday, April 11, 2008
today was the release of PW results, got a satisfactory answer [compared to my chinese, it's definitely abit more comforting]. now why can't exams just be based and assessed verbally. not only do we save time and effort writing, we don't accumulate hard skin that distorts our fingers. while the world on the other half of the planet is like living slow and steady lives, we're in a constant motion to keep pushing forward. it so sucky man. stupid uh...board of (studies).

s said in lecture today "how many of you guys have had a peaceful sleep ever since coming to jc?". see, precisely why A levels are plain pests. first they give girls ugly, distorted hands, then we're always having a constant headaches having to crush on how much work there has to be done as if we're hopelessly in love with it, then we end up spending money buying cosmetic products or going to the dermatologist to clear away the damage done to our skin and face. plus plus plus, we pay close to $450 just to stress ourselves out, grow white hair, study like mad and do things we don't even want to. hence, A-levels is such a huge and irritating investment that if it was a person, it ought to be shot.

even sitting here, thanking and being grateful i'm sick and had to leave school early so i could rest, it doesn't even feel like its enough, and to wake up to back to thinking of studying just makes me wish tommorrow never comes. let's see, A's also make us into such pessimists, who only complain and bother to even dedicate an entry to it- and i thought we were suppose to be studying. i'm so glad its the weekend, i could almost die just waiting for it to come. i'd realise i don't sign off with 'with love' like i'd used to anymore, maybe cos there's a lack of it in my attitude towards school work now. the teachers don't really make the best uh...inspirational leaders.

my life's a bore, that i have to bother writing about a-levels pretty much show the extent of it. i have absolutely no social life, and not even a day to myself where i can say 'ok, i feel so relaxed'. my life lacks interesting and refreshing gossip to keep my curiousity going. oh, this is frustrating- the internet has NOTHING interesting to do. talk about the greatness of technology...utterly useless. oh FINE, it's only good point is, there's the invention of msn. how should i make my life more interesting and live in denial that i have the best life ever even in the midst of a living hell.pfft. once again...

A levels is stupid.

too bad. no love.

Charmaine at 11:07 PM |