It's the month of cheerful giving: December.
honestly, I did this post on the 31 Dec 2008, but blogger was being such a diva and refused to upload my pictures. so anyways, December has been really nice for me with all the outings and activities. SO, since I didnt update for a month, I will update the entire December :)
(in chronological order...)
4 dec: 4 christmases [an average movie] with Prabs and Hafiz
5 dec: stay over at sher's house. it's Zouk baby. the music sucked. we left at like 1.30am to have supper at Newton Circus
Sher and I queued at Phuture at like 9.15pm where there was a long line of anxious people already when Sar joined us halfway. Then thanks to Glenn, when it was our turn, it was MAXED OUT. wth shit. we were stuck with sucky music. LOL
with sher, sar, char

check out glenn's red face

7 dec: a family outing to watch BOLT -.-. it was...average. and wearing the 3D glasses were so tiresome.
9 dec: A02's Marche dinner :)
it was the usual: fun filled and...filled with talks about height and...was it sex? I can't remember.
oh yes, it was to 'celebrate' hafiz's and glenn's enlistment on the 12th.
and there ya have Jings looking fabs as always

glenn, jing wei, wil, char, prabs, hariz, hafiz (leonard's missing :/)

THERE, the whole bunch

The boys...

oh glenn bought some drink from starbucks, and the lady gave us these cakes FREE

10 dec: a little outing with sar, ina, hariz, leonard and glenn on ladies night to The Arena and Rebel, we left at 4am but stuck around, supposedly for breakfast, til 6.30am
joke of the day: leonard went in with Hariz's ic and when I went with Hariz, who used his ez link, he got checked and suspected -.-

sar: "I'll pay for the three guys entrance fees with Hariz makes out with me" poor dude, he was traumatised. HAHA 
12 dec: Bowling with prabs and hariz at The Chevrons.

2 sleepy girls

12 dec: Bowling with prabs and hariz at The Chevrons.
2 short games and Prabs won. LOL
15 dec: Christmas and New Year shopping with my dad. it was :) SHOPPING always makes me happy. HAHAHA
16 dec: SMG's Christmas Party at Joyce's Crib
we had a nice bbq, a nice christmas gift exchange, and played with plenty of sparkle(r)s! and wound up leaving at 11.45pm. thanks to blandon, honwei, yangjian who wanted to drop me off in their cab when my house wasn't even on the way. and thanks Ian for telling them to take care of me! (haha, I'm only saying this cos I know they won't see this :))
we had a nice bbq, a nice christmas gift exchange, and played with plenty of sparkle(r)s! and wound up leaving at 11.45pm. thanks to blandon, honwei, yangjian who wanted to drop me off in their cab when my house wasn't even on the way. and thanks Ian for telling them to take care of me! (haha, I'm only saying this cos I know they won't see this :))
'Couple of the Night' they dressed in the same outfit: ALL WHITE :)

I was supposed to duck, as you can see the people who ran away at the back...

the purpose of this photo: LOKK AT SHUWEN

Scroll SLOWLY, and say the words ALOUD as you go




we look like we're waiting to be shot.

can you spot me?

C is for Charmaine

can you spot me?

C is for Charmaine
with the last sparkle(r), the boys decided to make a halo, and the funny thing was, they did it in ascending order without knowing!

oh yes, while we were doing all this camwhoring, there was a car next to us with a couple inside having sex. HAHAHA

oh yes, while we were doing all this camwhoring, there was a car next to us with a couple inside having sex. HAHAHA
17 dec: sleepover at sher's house with shuwen!
location- orchard road, clarke quay, robertson walk, haji lane

oh I insisted taking a picture at this thing. I mean like which loser doesn't have christmas pictures to boast about. and sher was complaining I was being such a tourist.

we packed supper from Newton and finished it in a jiffy while bitching with Sher's sister Elaine. so since wen and I were still hungry, we decided to cook maggi. But because this house is a health-conscious house, there was NO MAGGI MEE. OMG, we were like 'which house has no maggi...'. so we ransacked the whole kitchen and made soup with whatever spices we could find. it tasted very oriental. haha. I liked it quite a bit :) but the seasoning was expired, and NO ONE knew, but we used it anyways. haha

yes, it's the same day. I went home and changed. my grandpa is so tall, even with heels, I'm still shorter :(
light's out was at 7.30 am but we woke up at 1pm off to Haji Lane. b
ut miss Sher, was like 'omg, it's so hot. I'm gonna perspire. let's cab, I'll pay for it' HAHAH
these glasses are branded. HAHA

19 dec: Twilight with Karms and mum's countdown birthday dinner.
Twilight was.... BLAH. okay I'll stop. I don't wanna be like everyone else going on and on about that movie. Thanks K, for the Christmas gift :)
with the birthday woman...
oh the restaurant was really sweet, they made her a birthday cake outta sushi.

after this, I wound up with a cough and sorethroat for a week! it was terrible!
22 dec: I was supposed to meet Karmy for lunch, Jai for Sexdrive in the afternoon and shuwen for christmas shopping but this was what happened...
I hung around in Kino for an hour til 3 plus, til she called and I was hungry and couldn' t take it any longer. so I decided I'll grab something small from the basement to eat first. While on the escalator, I knew I was gonna faint and struggled to find a place to sit. while I fell, those idiotic singaporeans just stared at me like I was a drug addict or something. So I struggled to hang on to something while being half conscious and wound up on the next escalator going down. wanting to sit, I ended up falling forwards and blacked out while doing so. all I heard was 'hey! are you okay miss!' and there were nice office people who looked after me and helped me take my things that fell outta the bag, called my mum, called karms. and the nice security lady who gave me a chair, and the other nice security guy who wheeled me in a wheelchair ALL THE WAY from the huge christmas tree to the security control room. apparantly, they thought I was probably anorexic and hit my head while falling. :S according to karmy, I was a nightmare come alive. hahaha. like death. so she helped me call jai and shuwen who thought was a scam -.-. HAHA. I love ya guys :D
moral of the story: don't take drowsy medicine and not eat anything all the way til 3pm
23 dec: met leonard and prabs for Sex drive in the end. HAHA. they were worried I'll fall of the escalator again.
24 dec: Christmas dinner at granny's. yay to my aunt for giving me a coach wristlet :D whooo
25 dec: MERRY CHRISTMAS. there, I finally blogged that like every other person