this post is a little late. watched gossip girl last night, kinda boring. nothing scandalous. life's so boring now, people are just mugging hard and I am a disappointment as a student and seem to be prepared to retake my As. perfect.was planning to head to the beach to study but decided not to. since I was pretty lazy at the thought of having to shower in that icy cold water. brrr. so change of plans- off to Karmy's house. I'm such a horrid student. people wake up at 9 to start, I sleep till 11 and even come online to blog. anyways, highlight of the post: 10 Oct- last day of school & dinner at dempsey's.1 magarita & 2 sex on the beach. gee, I could have sworn the sex on the beach was what got me sick, plus I think the fruity taste doesn't quite appeal to me. found it pretty boring.
vic & prabs
wil, char, hans, jingwei

JA-mie, jings, char
look at hans trying to act like 'I'm the man!', jings looks quite adorable like that. hahaha
1/2 clique picture!
look at hans, trying to act all suave and everything.
the same bunch plus wil and jingwei looking hilarious

hafiz seems to always have this thing for butts in his pictures. omg. hans is a joke.
check out our very own shinigami
look at the expression. cool huh. seems almost haunted
class photo with gami looking haunted again
I don't know what leonard is doing, but hans is a pie kia

waiting for the farewell assembly to start got us camwhoring. check out wil's face
the j2s were asked to go down to the assembly grounds where there were plentiful of balloons. first time I saw Pj so...decently pretty. releasing the balloons into the sky was definitely a pretty sight.
girl's of 07A02 (jingwei and jiaxin are missing!) 
jing's brilliant idea
dempsey's at night. location: Angel's Share.jing's dad was really nice to treat us. the bill was like $400? omg. then sar paid for drinks. probably totalled to $100 plus?
girls of 07A02 full force
doesn't prabs and sar look nice together? hehe
huge ass polariods are pretty

hans and his candle light. he thought it was funny.

haha. we took the pic with jingwei eating. lol
funny face!
mini polariods are cool too
hans: "eh, don't forget to take a picture with the super star". SUPERSTAR, end up his hair looking like woodstock

leonard, jingwei, cyn
prabs and hans
glenn and jings
glenn looks kinda red...
the memories of smiling

in total we took like 200 over pictures til our smiles felt plastic. we went over to lido to watch burn after reading. and from jingwei's blog, "the show was so good, we didn't get any of the jokes".hans and I just ended up talking rubbish about the show, glenn and sarimah went to get drinks and came back when it over. lol. it was funny cos we thought we were too dumb to get the jokes, till we understood the rest didn't either. haha. omg, got one disgusting sex invention in the show, I was horrified. :S
making a detour, we went to a haunted house. jingwei stayed in the car while leonard came out but didnt follow. cyn, vic and gami walked up the front door and even knocked. I got out, and suddenly I saw this image of a man holding 2 huge leaves waving. actually it was quite funny, but at that moment, I was like 'leonard!' then I ran to him and refuse to look up. lol. then jingwei said I looked more like a ghost with my long yellow dress that illuminates at night. LOL.
I miss A02, and wait till As are over. WE ARE GOING OUT!