SIGH. I'm the WORLD'S LARGEST PROCRASTINATOR. but then again, who doesn't declare that right. I had 3 days of rest and didn't do ANYTHING. I mean I tried doing bilateral tensions, after writing "bilateral tensions", "thai-burma" and "colonial incompetency", I kinda ended it there. so YES, you can imagine the immense guilt I felt yet I didn't do anything. anyways, WARNING: THIS IS GONNA BE ONE LONG POST. well, what to do, your truly procrastinated this entry for like 3 weeks, and the events just accumulated. hence, I shall summarise it all. oh wait, I have to whine about how much a procrastinator I am: I woke up at 12 (it's 1.15pm now) and thought to myself 'okay, I shall write maybe some essays for my teachers to mark'; and look what am I doing now? Sigh, time's wasted away in my hands. okay, 4 events to be posted here: the AC CO concert, Mother's Day, Sam's farewell and Jai's birthday.#1: AC CO concert (18 May 2008)church- oh my, I kinda wanna help out at the children's ministry!! but I'm a little apprehensive about it. (LX: I hate kids) lol. anyways, went lunch with wen, ian and joyce- kfc at (eeww) plaza sing. all thanks to annoying ian who had to go back to church after an hour. so joyce, wen and I went to town and walked abit (cos I had alot of time to waste before meeting karms). went into TOPSHOP and bought my pink beach shorts. I freakin' sacrificed a dress I wanted just as much, but since my shorts haven't been able to leave my mind...I decided to get it, making me 20 bucks poorer. actually, joyce is quite nice to go shopping with. it's quite ironic, a tomboy givining fashion opinion. hahahaha. oh wen and I are so jealous of her laugh! we are like witches cackling away, and her laughter is one demure thing!! i'm so jealous. LOL. anyways, after joyce left when we went mango, I fell in love with a dress!! but it's so darn ex I wished it never existed. now it's all I think about. pfft. so we went into Dorothy Perks, wen bought a bracelet and I bought a black top, once againm making me even poorer. then we went to sent us down to esplanade where we intended to do abit of studying at the library before meeting karmy, but it was full. so we decided to sit by the riverside; a little fearful of the heat, but surprisingly, it was pretty cooling. we just sat there, enjoying the wind, wishing life could just be like this instead of the hustle and bustle which makes us forget the wonders of life itself. finally met up with karmy and wen met her swey, then headed to singapore conference hall for the co concert. while climbing the stairs I was chanting 'pls don't let me see anyone I know' and it kinda worked. but i forgot to chant it while exiting, and I met people I knew.but it was fine...haha. like just cos I was carrying my notes, I was mistaken for studying really hard and preparing for A's already. when I didn't even flip open the book. sigh. thanks to sophia for a cookies. hmmm, got home really exhausted yet couldn't resist the urge to go online before I could take it no more and go to bed.

sorry karms, I forgot you hated this photo.
prilaa spotted me first. once again I was living in my own world.

wen and her berms, me and my dress
when wen wanted to take another photo, I changed out already
MY DRESS. ARGH. I can look but not own it.........................................
the scenary was actually perfect if not for the existence of technology

Mother's DayKenny and I shared to buy mum a swimsuit for mother's day. unusual gift idea? haha. it kinda suited the fact that she was thinking of going rayang or maldives for a self-pampering vacation. she was like 'if I go alone, will your mind?' and I was like 'no, if I'm desperate for some sea I'll head over to sentosa'. she was pretty happy overall. and of cos, that made me happy cos...I made her spend like 100 bucks on me at the outfitters' girl sale :)

yes, Happy Mother's Day = Happy Char Day
oh had dinner at granny's cos my uncle came back from Thailand :) which made me happy-ER
Sam's Farewell Dinner (New York New York)
Sam won't be back til next year!!! so we specially planned this farewell dinner last minute since we won't be seeing her anytime soon. the lovely girl bought me a damn pretty bracelet for my belated birthday gift! I love it! some people from cog couldn't make it cos they were unwell. but it was okay, there was enough of us. couldn't really hang out cos it was a thursday and we had school.
oh, I usually hate to take pictures of food cos I think it's absolutely redundant, but I couldn't resist a heart shape fish fillet. the portion was so huge, I only ate a third, and thanks to wen and ian who gobbled it all up despite their equally huge chicken pasta :S

sam in green= hawtness
mini cog
a moustache made of sugar (except sam's one's kinda hairy :S eeks)
bored waiting for the star
oh lovely claire gave me my favourite pudding-flavoured lolly. she always seems to have food in her bag :S
Jai's Birthday (5 May 2008)
oops, Jai's birthday was suppose to come before sam's chronologically, now that I realised. but whatever. jai as usually almost spoiled her own birthday surprise. but it was better than she expected. she was one happy girl at the end of the day. bought her a tiny cake from bakerz inn and refused to sing her a birthday song. then we went to town after school to stall for time before xiang and wen came. gosh, it was so tiring trying to stall for time. had to enter like every shop, then dumb jai wanted to be kiasu and eat dinner early, spoiling the dinner surprise. so after dinner, we went to walk somemore, gosh I was so tired. wen called and I had to pretend it was my mother. FINALLY, wen and xiang arrived at nydc with a slice of cake for her, and I had to bluff jai saying I needed to buy a slice of cake for my mother. walking into nydc, she didnt suspect a thing. so all's well that end's well.

Happy Birthday to Jai.finally I'm done with this post, thought it will never end. sigh...gotta clean the house. pushing back my work load again. how annoying. I decided if I ever was out of a job, I could publish a series of books:- 101 excuses to skip school and get away with it
- 101 excuses to go shopping guiltlessly
- stay healthy- procrastinate
- how to live in denial
with love,