#1: Class BBQ at Qiang's house.
Summary: it was great. food was good. though due to a certain person being irresponsible as usual, her friends had to go home to do her work for her. watched ONE MISSED CALL, which wasn't scary...and a little of simpsons before going home. YEA, we had fun :) Qiang's house is really nice too

JingLing's disclaimer: "it's not an enlarged nostril! it's a painted nail"
Han's brows looks so linear you could probably draw a straight line with it using a ruler
#2: Genting Trip.
Summary: Really really fun! Really really cold! Really really tired! yea, it was as tiring as going to school, just physically tired-but was so glad I didn't have to see any books for 3 days! OH, MTV ASIA AWARDS was there. Spotted: Leona Lewis, Click 5's lead singer and some unknown famous celebrity.
purchased: jeans, pillow, pencil case, 2 bag, cds, hairband
Restaurant with really nice deco. the guy serving us was so nice and patient.
actually I don't even know why I would risk putting such an unglam picture of myself. but I thought it was pretty funny.
not bad for a couple of ole' foggies to take the merry-go-round. I never really liked them.
try diving down 15 storeys. it's EXHILIRATING