Saturday, December 1, 2007
empty. that's how I feel every day when I wake up with nothing to do, rotting at home, too broke to go shopping and even so, too sick of going to the same few places. I know I should start hitting the books, but just the thought of it puts me off. I wish I had something meaningful to do this holidays yet I don't want it to end. the irony of it all...

certain things just left me feeling empty and annoyed:
  • I lost my holiday homework, so smart right?
  • the grey dress I ordered somehow got lost somewhere in the mail
  • my intentions aren't understood
  • absolutely bored with the thought of not able to buy new things.

Christmas is it something to look forward to? I'm at loss for words...

Charmaine at 1:04 AM |


At December 1, 2007 at 6:57 PM, Blogger jaish said........
I so know how you feel char. I've got this like stoopid awful feeling stuck in my throat and its refusing to come out ):

lets hurry meet to mugg!

At December 2, 2007 at 9:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
hello char! havent talked t u in ages! why so emo? anw are you still working at the oriental w claire? arghhhhh yes i feel almost the same! very very broke, and very very much in debt :( and very unwilling to go out unless necessary! haha.

anyway! if you and jaish go and mug, ask me along!!pretty please? haha :)


At December 5, 2007 at 1:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
aye char.

your company is always something i look forward to, ANYTIME ANYWHERE. ask me out too! (: and yeah, singles rock.
