So, what have I been doing this holiday?
- study dates
- cip
- shopping :)
honestly, I think I spent a bomb on shopping. Initially, I actually managed to have cash in my wallet...until this week. SIGH. now I'm back to my state of beyond poverty. Nonetheless, I honestly love my shopping buys, just that I don't really remember what I spent on :S HAHA. oh yes, thanks jit for the super cute bear (compliments of KL)! anyways, I'm too lazy to talk to much crap and I refuse to be like those people who blog all day about achieving nothing only to read about chapters of revision done. so, just enjoy the pictures.
Family visit-My uncle from Japan visited! YAY. I get to go Japan after As! My dad agreed to sponsor my airfare, and my uncle agreed to sponsor shopping. Is this love or what! :) and his phone is my eyecandy, white, slim and his camera is the EXLIM one. like WOW!
my younger brother looks older than me :(
was playing around with my dad's japanese phone camera rotating screen. coolness.
CIP @ the zoo- thanks to JL, we had a pretty fun time being sheepdogs. it rained in the morning, so it was pretty cooling. not to mention, aside from helping accompany under privileged kids, we even took part in a blood donation drive. it left us scars on our lovely legs :( curse those mozzies. hope they grow fat and die from gluttony. serve them right.
JL, char, claire
it was REALLY cramp

oh, we were being idiots in the toilet. you know they have a pond, I bet they are just trying to breed more mosquitoes
oh check out this damn cute boy- he's my harry potter (the spec-y one please) we were strolling and some groups were seriously honeymooning away. we got frustrated and decided to camwhore
this is shuwen's favourite part. hello DARLING.
study date with S-imagine the joy when I agreed to study with her at United Square Starbucks.
oh, she was so fascinated with my latest holiday mini adventure- hair extensions! simply cos it touched the table
we endured til night!
in S's book, a toilet picture is a must-have!
S insisted we went to Hans for lunch to eat fried rice. and she said 'take my picture!'
went to shuwen's proclaimed 'my territory', but was Ian's house. haha. K left, leaving us to study for abit more. and I got bored and decided to sit there. but S's was secretly in love with me, and took paparazzi shots!
shuwen called this the 'seal pose'

oh, I was uploading pictures from my phone to my com. and I suddenly found this outta nowhere. lesson learnt: don't trust S with your phone- she'll start laughing to herself weirdly
told you toilet pics are a must-have
S was trying not to laugh when I told her to look hardworking, now you know.
Today: Shopping with Claire and Shuwen- my love & my darling
It was quite funny, Jai made me wait for her from 4-5.30pm, naturally I was irritated, cos she was late. but when I saw her really rush down like some kan chiong auntie and hair wind-blown hair, I couldn't stay mad at her :) and at least she felt bad. hahaha. So I met C and she gave me comfort food: brownies and yakult- YUMMY! C bought a dress from pull & bear (which was really nice) and a yellow top from Mango. I bought a black speg from Club March while S bought green berms from Mango.we walked til like 8 plus, then S came without notice. but since S hadn't eat dinner, and C had to go home...I decided to be nice and eat dinner with S. we had marche- crepe and mushroom soup. so filling!
further proof...anyways. S cut her hair, and strangely it looked brown :S
this was the only decent pictures outta the disgusting ones we took.
Study date with Jai (2nd love til she can think of a better endearing name for herself)
we went to ___ to study. and it was cca day, so the sports people kept walking past us to take their things, but also staring at us cos we were studying at the sports complex. it was raining, and having walked from one end of the school to the other was so tiring! so we decided to stay there, only to get curious looks from EVERYONE who went past us. omg. there was this one guy who kept distracting me- prob from the bi/tri-athalon club who went to the water cooler. he had NICE TANNED SLIM LEGS. I was SOOOO JEALOUS! PFFT. the world is unfair. most guys have nicer legs than girls. sheesh.
Anyways, after that, met Zai, BH, Kenneth for dinner. then went home tired....
look at loser Jai trying to act smart and obviously blind to reality.hehe
alrights, hope you enjoyed it.
with love,
P.S my latest shopping love: go see!