Monday, December 10, 2007
All thanks to my compulsive nerves for shopping, I've bought 2 pairs of shoes, and today, a bag from Accessorize, I'm absolutely BROKE. but then again, I've always declared myself in a state beyond poverty, yet, somehow, for some miraculous reason or another, I always find enough cash to get me by. Interesting. Sher came back last night, so wen and I met her and her sister after lunch and indulged in cheap thrills. guess that's what happens when you have no money to spend. hahaha. or rather, after spending. NO MONEY= CHEAP THRILLS= CAMWHORE. how funny, last time wen would ask me to take a pic and it was as hard as getting a stubborn kid to take chinese medicine :S haha.went christmas card shopping. cost us $9.90 at marks n spencers...and wen actually asked the sales lady for 2 portions of gift wrappers...the lady must have thought she was nuts to need so much paper to wrap a 9.90 present. hahaha
tried on caps at River Island, I honestly kinda like this one...but I wonder if I actually bought it, what are the chances of wearing it. hmmm...
too bad shuwen was busy doing her hair and missed this shot!
there, she finally found her spot :)
sigh. there's my sinister look. gross. but the dress was nice [abit big though :S]anyways, that's about it from me.Lotsa Love!

Charmaine at 1:11 AM
