nah, I'm kidding, that guy had a cute face but hair like a girl, total turn off. LOL. so I walked all the way to vnc to look at's a curse: I can never walk out of that shop without at least a pair of shoes. hence, decisions.decisions.decisions. wanna guess which I wound up with? I'll give you a hint: there's 2 of them. LOL. nonetheless, cla's my usual walking atm. hahaha. dad drove us down to great world cos cla wanted to go there, there was a WH clearance. bought a super cheap black dress at 19 bucks. yayness. I was tired, my wallet also super tired. left with shinglings. hahaha. then I had to be so smart mouth and say go far east...a mondo clearance sale. from helping cla pick a nice shoe [which she wound up with 2], I ended up buying another pair...fantastic. so I hid the shoe and dress in my if going home with 2 pairs of shoes ain't bad enough...hahaha. fun fun fun! love claire!!!